The Hill House and Connectus relationship has been proven over many years through the supply of full-fibre broadband, secure housing of off-site backup storage, provision of dark-fibre services.
Connectus submitted a proposal to migrate the current PBX services to our Xelion VoIP solution. Presenting the proposal to key stakeholders, the school was able to quickly identify the many features on the platform that would enable them to improve both internal and external communications using fixed handsets, softphone and mobile applications. As a full SIP solution, this also would remove the ISDN services and contribute to the overall cost-benefits of the project.
Once migration was complete, integration options between the VoIP platform and iSAMS were discussed and a presentation with our partner Redcactus demonstrated the full benefits of using the inbound CLI of the caller to build a query against the iSAMS database for relevant data and how this supports the Safeguarding policies of the school.
A trial was setup and scripts developed to interrogate the SQL database. Licences were provided during the trial to Administration staff and using feedback, the information retrieval and how it was displayed on the screens was crafted into a final template.
The telephony solution we provided has dramatically improved their communications, saved them money, increased their resilience and improved child safety. The office staff are able to confidently and securely identify callers, and their associated pupils and have urgent relevant messages displayed on their screens. The result is a safer and more professional service.