We’ve already discussed how businesses can adapt to remote working now that British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has recommended UK companies send their staff home during the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic.
But what about employees, how should they approach this new way of working? Here we offer a few points to consider if you’ve been asked to work remotely.
If you use your own devices at home:
- Make sure your anti-virus is turned on and is up-to-date.
- Familiarise yourself with the rules your employer has introduced to allow you to work remotely. This may include the ability for the management to remotely delete files on your device, which can include personal content.
- If working away from your work location, be careful which wi-fi network is being used – is it secure and trustworthy?
- Be aware of other people around you, who may be looking over your shoulder.
- Don’t access sensitive company information from a public place.
- Always close your personal browser sessions before connecting new ones for work tasks.
- Don’t copy company information onto personal devices unless you have already agreed this with your employer. Without the right approvals and permissions, this may be classed as data theft.
If you are using company devices:
- Try to keep your children away from your work computers and devices.
- Don’t leave company devices unlocked when you are away from them.
- Treat them as a precious resource – they are vital for your company’s continued business viability and your own salary or income, of course.