Last year more 22% of charities were subject to cyber attacks
10th June 2019

It’s an incredible responsibility running a charity…
… Don’t let the threat of a cyber attack keep you awake at night!
With ever-increasing pressures to secure funds, drive income and support the key stakeholders in your target communities, we understand the challenges facing the not-for-profit and charitable sector.
Last year more 22% of charities were subject to cyber attacks, with damage ranging from £300 to £100,000, eating into vital funds.
As a Government-accredited organisation, we work with the National Cyber Security Centre to help educate and support organisations of all sizes prepare themselves in an increasingly criminal cyber world.
We are passionate about working with our customers to ensure their hard-earned funds are safe from harm, and efforts and energy directed towards equipping them for the future and supporting their ability to deliver against organisational objectives.
Cyber support designed with charities in mind
We can provide your charity with the safety blanket to operate and grow confidently and compliantly.
Our products and services help revolutionise the way the charities address cyber awareness, all the while helping keep costs to an absolute minimum.
- Reduce insurance premiums by demonstrating cyber awareness and compliance:
- Full ISO audit and three levels of Cyber Essentials accreditation
- Awareness Training for all staff
- Managed Service for Delivery of Document sets and Updates
- Low, Medium and High Risk Data Protection Officer Provision
- Training and accreditations to boost your knowledge, capability and reputation
- Protect funds by mitigating risk of attack from hackers and career criminals
- Vulnerability Assessment, Penetration, Phishing Testing and different grades of audit
- Full range of security measures to ensure your business network has best-in-class defences
- Software and testing to ensure your networks are aggressively fortified
- Expertise that ensures your business compliance and security is implemented to an industry-leading standard
For every cyber package sold, Connectus donates 5% of its fee to its nominated charity